Friday, July 10, 2009

Look what we came home to!

That's right. We came home from Lagoon to find a squishy mess in our basement. What appears to have happened is that all the rain from that day caused an excess of storm water that the culvert north of us on 500 N couldn't handle. It overflowed and came through the Hollendrake's (the house north of us) gravel and filled up the 7 foot window well with water, dirt, leaves, sticks, snails, worms etc. from the side of the house where we were digging up the sewer line for an entirely different problem. The pressure shattered the window and came gushing in. It was apparently very violent, because there were mud splashes on the mirror and even on the ceiling. It filled up the tub, clogged the drain, and spilled over into the main room and covered the entire basement in 2-3 inches of water. We spent a few hours that night trying to start cleaning it up and then continued with that the rest of the week. We ended up having to pull up the carpet to get the pad out so it wouldn't spread mold and things. We had to take everything out, which we just got put back from guests staying, including the food storage (ugh!). It has been quite the project, and now we are waiting to see if the city's insurance will cover any costs. That may take a while, but at least it's dry now. Oh, the joys of life!


Melinda said...

Oh man BreAnna! That looks horrible, I'm sorry you guys have been having to deal with lots of yucky problems! :(

Kerrilyn said...

That looks pretty bad. If I would have known that is what happened when you called for Brad to come help I would have scooted him over right away....heck, me and Keith probably would have come too, but as it was this is what Brad said 'Hey, I need to go over and help the Long's move some couches.' My response 'How come?' His response, 'I don't know, they just need help.' Sorry I delayed him in coming over.

BreAnna said...

That's ok Kerri, don't worry about it. We're just grateful he was so willing to help on such short notice. I know you were helping with FAFSA stuff - Yuck! ;P